Sunday, January 19, 2014

12 steps

There are so many things you can do to better your life. To better yourself doesn't just mean you have to come from a rough past, to be going through something negative, or to have any trouble what so ever- you can always better yourself, there's always a room to improve and there are always changes that can be made. 

"People throw rocks at things that shine." Don't let the negative things people say make you stop being the absolute best you. When you're at your peak, improving, bettering, flat out doing awesome and kicking butt, people will complain and make remarks to try to bring you back down, down to their level, mindset..."reality." Change your reality, don't let them win. Everyone will make those comments, friends or enemies. "Just eat it, who cares!" Or "Oh my gosh you're like an old woman you go to bed so early." Even "Just drink it, no one cares, don't make me feel bad being the only one!" These are all comments that have been thrown at me, and probably almost everyone. These remarks aren't mean or cruel, but the thing is that they're unsupportive. Surround yourself with people that will support you 100% that will always have your back. Some cases some people may even distance from you all because you want to better your life. It's a sad reality but don't let that alter you from wanting to be the absolute best version of you that you can be.

Here are my steps that I plan on following daily:

Love your life, love yourself- listen to your heart.

From my heart to yours,

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