Friday, December 27, 2013

Leg Day

You want to be fit? Earn it, you're worth it! You get out what you put in!
A picture before I dominated leg day. I've been out of the gym for 2+ weeks because of surgery. I was itching every day to get back- I had to wait until I was completely healed. Anyways I'm here to share an amazing Glute, quad and ham work out- this is what my leg day consisted of. There are three major muscles in your butt, if you want to lift and shape then you need to work each of these three muscles. There's your gluteus minimus, gluteus Maximus and gluteus medius. The workout I'm about to share will work out all three of these muscles. These workouts also will help tone up your quadriceps and hamstrings. 

Jumping Jacks- will work the medius
Lunges- will work the Maximus 
Squats- will work the Minimus. 

You do not have to follow this work out exactly, this is just what works best for me and has prove me time and time again to be the best.

Warm up- on an incline of 5 for about 5minutes

Cardio- run at a jogging pace on an incline (I use an incline of 2 or 3) for about 10-15 minutes

Move on to the elliptical, set the elliptical on a higher level then it's automatic starting level (I use 13) and set the elliptical to hills mode- there are numerous options to choose from on hills mode- I use the around the world setting. Do this for about 10-15 minutes.

Next do these sets back to back if you can (super sets, little to no rest in between to get your heart rate going) NEVER give up rest if it's effecting your form- it's best to take a break and rest for a minute or two and keep good form!

10 squats with added weight, if you can, if not use your own body weight

10 lunges on your right leg then ten lunges on your left leg! Then start right back over

10 of each work out, do this 5 times non stop if possible!

When finished do sets of 40 jumping jacks, with one minute rest in between. I did this 5 times- do it at least 3 if you can.
Finally do a cool down, jog in place and stretch.

It's tough- push through and you'll feel great after- a bit wobbly- but so proud of yourself. 

When pushing your body- push it to it's limits, ignore your mind telling you to stop, listen to your body. When working out your muscles, imagine whatever muscle group your working and focus on their strength and capabilities. 

And finally don't forget your whey!!!!

Haha okay well if you're reading this- know you're worth so much, have and maintain positive thoughts and energy. 

Exude goodness into the world and good things will come your way. You get out what you put in, whether it be within a relationship, work out, your life, your job...anything. 

Be kind and keep the innocence and love of positivity within your heart. That's simply all you need to be happy.

"If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sun beams and you will always look lovely."
-Roald Dahl

From my heart to yours,

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