Saturday, December 28, 2013

Heal Yourself

Okey dokey artichokeys, you hear all these things about being healthy...but what is being healthy? Being healthy is different to everyone, to some being thin is healthy to others being plump is healthy and to some being incredibly muscular is's all how you view it and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm here to share what I view as healthy. I choose to exercise 3-5 times a week, I weight train and do dome cardio. I've set crazy intense goals in the past not to become healthier but to test my body and to push it to its limits. In the end yes exercise is so important, how ever you don't have to be a marathon runner in order to be considered fit. Do what works for you. In the end it all comes back to nutrition. These are facts....lean cuisines and diet cokes are not healthy, they are low calorie and loaded with fake artificial ingredients that in the end brings your body down in health--you may lose weight but in the end just because you lost weight doesn't mean you're getting healthier. Health included your metabolic rate, your blood pressure, how quickly your body can heal itself, and how good you physically feel. Eating foods that are natural and pure will get you to this point. Yes it's okay to indulge but in the end your average meals should consist of things that have come naturally from to earth. Growing up I had one too many health issues and diagnoses. Once I did my research to learn about foods and what exactly will fuel my body I became healthier- I healed myself by in taking numerous foods that are loaded in antioxidants, my body craves these foods now. I listen to my body- when I'm hungry I eat, if I feel bloated I drink extra water to eliminate whatever toxins are making me feel uncomfortable. There is so much information out there! Do your research, or shoot me a message! I have received countless messages with questions and suggestions that I'm open to answer all of you!  I can help figure out what to intake to lift your mood, energy, weightloss, weight gain...etc. I can help. I want to help. I underwent a surgery, a tonsillectomy  a few weeks ago...they say it's worse to have done when you are an adult. My tonsils would nearly close my throat shut every few weeks, when they weren't considered swollen they were the size of those giant marbles. I had a lot cut out of my throat. I wasn't able to eat and hardly able to drink, I averaged a weight loss of 2-3lbs a day, and for someone who usually eats 4-5 times a day this was extremely hard! I couldn't even muster the energy and strength to open a Tylenol bottle! It takes an average of 2-3 weeks before all the pain is gone and almost a month until you can eat regularly. I was healed in half the time. I owe it all to my life style. I naturally consume the foods that will keep me healthy. I vow that this is the reason to being so blessed to overcoming a surgery that was supposed to keep me out of the game for way longer then it was. I'm more motivated now then I ever was to share my insight with anyone and everyone I can. Its not a diet- it's a lifestyle. I feel better than I ever have and it's Just SO simple and wonderful. Yes I still eat crap from time to time- with my awfully love for beer and pizza there's no way I couldn't! Indulging is healthy and actually GOOD for your metabolism!!! Anyways this post is simply me speaking my mind and update of what's been occurring the past few weeks!! 

Ignore what others are doing or saying- be you! Do what YOU want. "People throw rocks at things that shine." -Taylor Swift

People will say things to bring you down- to hurt you- to do everything they can to see you fail. Stand up for yourself-don't let anyone's words or actions effect you from accomplishing your dreams and goals. You need to love yourself before ever expecting someone else to accept and love you for you. Self love and acceptance is the most beautiful and important quality you can have. 

"So be sure when you step, step with great tact, and remember that life's a great balancing act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! 98 and 3/4% guaranteed! Kid, you'll move mountains."
-Dr. Seuss

From my lifestyle to yours

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