Monday, November 25, 2013

"Let Your Heart, Sweetheart, Be Your Compass"

This is a long post, not a recipe about a clean and healthy recipe, but a post about a clean and healthy soul and mindset and my own personal journey to keeping happiness in my heart. Sometimes realizing what's best for you is incredibly difficult. Be picky with yourself, don't ever settle. When you realize something isn't bringing joy, just simply walk away. "Let your heart be your compass." Obsessed with the new Lady Antabellum song, it has totally described my emotions and mind set lately. Right now the other song that describes my life and my heart is the song "The Last Time." By Taylor Swift. I realized something in my life was failing, and I kept repeating and repeating...and surprise! Same outcome. Unlike the song this goes beyond relationships and friendships, it goes as far and personal lives as well. Trial and error, good...same trial same trial same trialx100 will ALWAYS equal error. You can't keep trying something the same exact way 1,000 times expecting a different result, sometimes you have to turn your back and try something in a different way. It's okay to fail, it's not okay however, to keep trying and not changing your approach at all, let failure be a lesson. How can you succeed if you keep trying the same thing the same way? Love purely, deeply, unconditionally. Fight for happiness. Face what's going on and challenge it to a duel, fix it. The easy way out will get you no where. I've experienced too many loved ones take the "easy way out" one too many times. Everytime instead of filling my heart with sadness and questioning, I see it as their own personal weaknesses that need to be worked on and examine my own personal strength for finally being able to examin that as something I simply can not change. I've had too many people walk out of my life, too many people that don't feel as though I'm worth the fight, that I'm worth the unconditional love that I deserve. They simply pack up when they hear or realize one thing they dislike about themselves and never speak again. This is not solely romantic relationships, but all types of relationships, so lets not get to assuming. This is not a sob story- forget that kind of crap. This is more of a "I'm a bad ass for being able to still stand tall and believe in the good in people no matter what happens." Type of story-- but I do believe that's too long of a title for my blog post. I believe in the good in everyone, I believe everyone deserves a proper explanation and a proper goodbye no matter how difficult. I believe people in general deserve a proper explanation for anyone's negative actions. Once you lash out though, the second you allow yourself to be overtaken by anger and to speak unkind, unloving words, once you allow yourself to act in a mean cruel way that no person deserves, that is when you are weakend. Standing tall, strong and not allowing one unloving, unkind word slip from your lips...that's when you have made it. That is when you can take on the world. I'm not there yet- but I'm sure as hell close. Finding inner peace, inner love and loving kind thoughts at all times is difficult-- extremely difficult. All negative actions, words, emotions and approaches are all learned, none of these are natural effects, They have all simply been learned. I'm reading a book about this mindset that had helped guide me, it's a slow read for me simply because I'm constantly lesrning and want to re-read. This has come at a perfect time for me in my life. Finding inner love and peace is important, if I let the many people who have walked out on me control how I see myself, I'd be a gonner. Be in control of your own thoughts, words and actions. Love wholely and truely.

I love you, whoever is reading this. I pray for the best for you and for pure happiness to find it's way into your heart, mind and soul.

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