Monday, December 30, 2013

It's NEVER Too Late

You know you've made it when you can look back and see how far you've come. Every day when we examine, and live our lives, teeny microscopic changes are occurring, that is however, if you choose to allow change into your life in the first place. It is absolutely never too late to be who you want to be. "Live a life you're proud of." Be someone you would want to know, someone people can envy because you're capable of learning from your faults and exuding nothing but a loving energy, and a positive energy. Despite the stress, don't wither, don't cower or let it get the best of you. Allowing tough things to turn you into someone that you aren't proud of is allowing those negative moments to control your life, to control you. These emotions are learned, we are born not knowing how to feel anything but happiness, actions and emotions that aren't positive have all been learned and taught throughout your life. To face this head on, to have the strength to start all over again and simply go back to the innocence and pure heart and soul is one of the hardest things one can do, to do this is something so many people are unable to do. Be one of the few to live the life you dreamed. 
"Don't let dreams be dreams." -Jack Johnson
Make your dreams a reality, and then create new dreams.

Never stop dreaming, never ever stop envisioning the future you want, when you stop building on your dreams you then begin to settle. Always want more, always move forward, never stop.

"Today is never too late to be brand new."
-Taylor Swift

Change for the better, be a good person, pour love into all you do, think happy thoughts, give compliments, be kind. Even if you have to force it, smile because eventually it'll begin to come naturally, laugh, I don't care how loud I don't care if it's funny or not, if YOU find it funny then LAUGH. Say I love you to those you love. If you're sad cry to someone who will hug you tight and give you comforting words, surround yourself with those that you can vent to in a pure way, simply by speaking not having to take a smoke, a pill or a drink in order to release anger, instead release your words and your energy, once it's all out you will feel so cleansed and feel a strength and clarity you didn't know existed. Believe in karma, good things come to good people. Be good and you will be blessed. Be you. It's simple. Smile.

Remember being fearless doesn't mean not being scared, it doesn't mean not having fears. Fearless means moving forward despite your fears it means not letting fear and being scared hold you back. It means trying even if it leads to failure, it means taking failure and trying again and again and again and never giving up. Be fearless.

From my happy cleansed heart to yours

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